Eating in the Caravan

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

If you travel around to different events, for tractor pulling or for any other events of festivals, the temptation is to buy food from the food stalls. However, this quickly becomes expensive. Therefore, it is best to try and eat in the caravan as much as possible, which is sometimes tricky due to the lack of space available.

It is easier to cook outside the caravan if the weather is good, so getting a decent barbecue set was a good investment. We used it to cook breakfst most days, and made burgers and sausage barmcakes in the evening.

Another good investment was buying one of the best soup makers that had a decent capacity. You just need to spend 10 minutes prepping the veg in the morning, then add the chopped vegetables and some stock into the soup maker, and the soup maker does the rest. While the soup is cooking, you have time to prepare for the day ahead, and you can reheat your soup at lunch time.

Of course, that did not stop anyone from sampling the food from the stalls. At some of the bigger events, there are some amazing food vendors with a diverse range of offerings.

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